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  • BeRliN fOr ReAl ToUrNaMeNtS

    Shanko - - Sessions & Matchmaking


    Okay, good. As I said before, every day eccept tueday works for me. So you guys work something out and get back to me

  • BeRliN fOr ReAl ToUrNaMeNtS

    Shanko - - Sessions & Matchmaking


    Zitat von BerlinCalling: „Im living near Pedram, so maybe we could meet up together. I'll try to get in touch with him.“ I suggested monday or wensday to Pedram but haven't got the answer yet. What day is best for you?

  • BeRliN fOr ReAl ToUrNaMeNtS

    Shanko - - Sessions & Matchmaking


    Yes, that'd be great! The more the merrier!

  • BeRliN fOr ReAl ToUrNaMeNtS

    Shanko - - Sessions & Matchmaking


    Hello people! My name is Jonatan and I'm stydying journalism in Sweden. Next week me and my class are coming to Belin. Though this is partly a leisure trip it's also a vital part of the course to do a major article of our choice there. So I thought hey, I'm going to try to get in touch with the fighting game people in Berlin and write something about them. I knew there was a swede (Pedram) living in the city and after some lurking I found him. He directed me to this thread and after going totall…